2024 Lissie's & Ettore's valpar

2024 Lissie's & Ettore's valpar

5 valpar födda 5 mars 2024
3 hanar & 2 tikar 💙💙💙🩷🩷
4 vit-bruna, 1 brunskimmel hane
Leveransklara 30 April 2024 
Följ deras utveckling i Stories på Instagram: @lagotto15 

5 puppies  born March 5, 2024
3 male & 2 female 💙💙💙🩷🩷
4 white-brown, 1 brownroan male 
Ready for delivery April 30, 2024
Follow their development in Stories on Instagram @lagotto15

Click here to see the puppies' pedigree.

Pedigree of the litter / Kullens Stamtavla 

Solipse Elegante Ettore X Caviroli Virgelisa
Inbreeding rate-COI: 0,61% (6 Generations)

Inavelsgrad: 0,61% (6 Generationer)

Dam: Caviroli Virgelisa 'Lissie' (white-brown)
Reg no: SE61401/2021 
Eyes ok May 2023
MyDogDna/Wisdom Panel all clear on 213/214 DNA tests.
No risk genetic conditions in her DNA
Clear: JE, LSD, NAD, Prcd-PRA, CDPA Furnishings normal, Carrier HUU (Please note: not affected, only carrier on one gene (of a pair) & cannot pass it on to her offsprings since she is mated with a HUU free male). HUU is a painful kidney disease.
BPH March 2023 (Swedish Kennel Club 
mental & behaviour description 
with excellent results)
Excellent & CQ at dogs shows
Lovely happy temperament, loves working, especially truffle searching 
Sire: Solipse Elegante Ettore (brownroan)

Country of birth: Slovakia 
Country of residency: Netherlands  

HD A, eyes Ok 2023, full scissor bite 
Laboklin combination DNA test Lagotto Romagnolo: all clear 
Reg no: 3286709

Link to Solipse Elegante Ettore on Raad van Beheer, Dutch Kennel Club dog database, click here 

Solipse Elegante Ettore February 2024 above & as a puppy below
Approved Stud dog:

Inspection report

Judge dhr.G.A.H.Mensing(FCI Judge)

withers height: 46cm

teeth:Normal bite

overall image proportions: good compact male, good neck, good back, good hindquarters, good tail set, good arch and deep ribs.

Head: good skull to muzzle proportion, beautiful full muzzle, ear a little low, dark eye.

Body: well angulated, front and behind, good bones and feet.

Movement: goes with good drive, would go for a little more.

Coat: good coat and color.

Behavior and character: super character enthusiastic.

Remark: good for breeding(yes)

Comment from me as a breeder
it is an inspection report of a 9-month-old dog that is in good condition